Scaffolding's new player

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Introducing Kopa Scaffolding: A fresh, bold brand identity that captures the essence of modern scaffolding with a vibrant visual twist.

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Kopa Scaffolding
November 2023
Live Project

Building Heights: Kopa Scaffolding’s Bold Brand Identity

Kopa Scaffolding entered the competitive London and South East scaffolding market with a clear objective: to stand out with a fresh and modern brand identity. Tasked with this ambitious goal, we developed a distinctive branding strategy that incorporates a bright red and orange gradient, symbolising energy and robustness. We made sure that this brand keep a premium and elite feel to all assets, from branding to website - we wanted this new Scaffolding firm to rise where other firms have not, competing is a saturated market such as London and Brighton, we wanted to make sure this brand is seen and is very much noticed for its high end scaffolding services.

The logo cleverly utilises clean lines arranged in a manner that mimics the structural form of scaffolding, portraying the company's core business through visual design. The use of block colours and sophisticated typography adds to the overall modern and bold aesthetic, making the brand instantly recognisable and memorable.

The brand has gone from strength to strength!

Kopa Scaffolding's new branding struck the perfect chord in the marketplace, immediately establishing the firm as a contemporary and dynamic presence. The strategic use of colour and design not only made the brand visually appealing but also effectively communicated Kopa’s modern approach to scaffolding solutions. With growing their offering and business substantially within the the first 6 months, so now servicing the county of Essex!

This branding success has translated into significant business advantages, attracting a broad spectrum of clients who appreciate the company's modern outlook and robust service offerings. Kopa Scaffolding has quickly become synonymous with quality and innovation in a traditionally conservative market. With our brand book helping them every step of the way when they need new assets, prints from different manufacturers or new livery for their lorries.

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